Is getting new customers stressful?

It doesn't have to be.
small business owners establishing marketing plan

Marketing Smart

Bring customers you love in the door every day.

For businesses, marketing is not a nice to have, it’s a need to have. And it shouldn’t be all about spending more than the other guy. It should be about being smarter. PMG has one mission: to help business owners and their team members love their profitable business. With simple techniques and accountability, marketing can help bring not only customers, but customers you love, in the door every day.

So what is marketing anyway (other than a way to spend money)? You can go with the textbook definition, but we think of it as this: an expertly crafted message, amplified through the right megaphone (or platform), pointed in the right direction. Analyze the data and do it again, making small corrections along the way. Marketing is a long game, but like planting a farm, will allow you to eat for the rest of your life.


Marketing For All


Got a great person on your team that can post on social & send great emails? Invest in their success with a solid plan and customized learning.

Web Design & SEO

Beautiful sites that make your message hit home. And with the SEO to make sure your perfect customer finds you first - not your competitors.

Social Media

Just simply posting doesn't drive business. Posting high value content with a consistent message does. Let our experts help you shine.


An experienced CMO is often out of reach for small businesses, and your marketing team. Our team provides education, guidance, and accountability to make your business a success.


Whether you're a marketer who needs to learn the new trends, or you are a business owner ready to DIY your small business, we're ready.

Marketing Plan

Our marketing plans are full of tools that your team can use to drive your business forward through marketing.


Marketing For All

Consulting & Coaching

Got a great person on your team that can post on social & send great emails? Invest in their success with a solid plan and customized learning.

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Web design & SEO

Beautiful sites that make your message hit home. And with the SEO to make sure your perfect customer finds you first - not your competitors.

Marketing Classes

Whether you're a marketer who needs to learn the new trends, or you are a business owner ready to DIY your small business, we're ready.

Social Media & Digital Marketing

Just simply posting doesn't drive business. Posting high value content with a consistent message does. Let our experts help you shine.

Your Marketing Consultant should have just one goal:

Increase your profits. Period.

Steps to Business Marketing Success

techniques and accountability


Define Business Goals

As with any part of your business, you can't know where you want to go without knowing where you are. Our team does a thorough dive into your business and set goals to tackle challenges.


Find Your Perfect Customer

If your definition of the perfect customer is "anyone with money," then you are in the majority of businesses. But if you're speaking to everyone, that really means you're speaking to no one at all.


Creative Strategy & Solid Data

Great marketing is not all about pretty logos and catchy advertising. It's about multiple strategies that work - not based on emotion but on the facts. We review analytics at every step and adapt.

let’s talk

Your Business is about to take off

Schedule your marketing audit today and let’s get the customers coming.